12 Apr 2009

Happy Easter everyone

This is it, the best Easter egg ever invented.
The Cadbury Buttons Easter Egg, my absolute favourite.... I have never gone without one ever at easter. I would always get 3 or 4 eggs at easter but this one was always my favourite because it's just all chocolate. No fancy wrapping, not some commercialised for easter version of a snack bar or sweet, this was what it was about. Chocolate... oh yeah... and the religious aspect too..... after all.

But mainly chocolate... having one of these always made me smile, so today I'm off out to get one.
Yes I am on a diet and I don't care.....


Harry Yack said...

Can't say I'm that bothered about Easter eggs, though I do give them as presents. And that's not to say I won't look a gift horse in the mouth if I do receive one ;)

. said...


I like the way you think


Tiddles (Tracey) said...

I loveeeeeeeeeee the creme filled eggs, cant get the things in this country, hey MyUt HINT HINT lol

deejay said...

yes, i am a chocolate addict too.

. said...

Well done deejay... welcome to the meeting of easter eggs anonymouse.

The first step, is admiting you have a problem.....

Sadly, none of us are prepared to go that far
