14 Sept 2009

This deserves an award.

Someone once said "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt" and the number of times I go to meetings in work and I am constantly reminded of this pearl of wisdom from even the most educated and sometimes most wordly of people makes me laugh. So true is it everyday I even see examples of it in real life. Lets take one very recent example..... umm... where to start.... I know... how about Mister Kanye West?.....

I just don't understand it... I mean what went wrong... he seemed so happy going in, looked like he was having a good time, he even had the delightful company too... here he is with his delightful company..

and here he is again still holding onto his delightful company

Although by my reckoning his delightful company has deminished somewhat from the first photograph, infact I'd say atleast half the bottle is now gone.

We need a special award for exactly this kind of thing, were people make fools of themselves publicly, a bit like the Darwin Awards but for non fatal stupidity, a sort of Non-Postumous Darwin award.


Buggys said...

It was not only rude but inexcusable. Hopefully he will never be offered a chance to speak in public again.

BrainExpertDating said...

I think, I've seen quitу similar post on another resource.